Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Rachel Cook Likes This Book

I must convince you in one paragraph to read this book.

  The concept of this story was envisioned by a librarian and helped along by her niece who is a children's author and is about a female writer who has just endured almost a decade of wartime who then goes to a small island outside of the main island of England to collect more wartime stories of the not-so-long-ago German-occupied territory of Guernsey during WWII.  Do you understand how many layers of perfection that run on sentence just took you through?  A woman who is surrounded by stories can not help but overflow with this perfect story.  A woman who writes for children can not help but add such warmth and cleverness to this story.  A woman who endures almost a decade of constant bombing raids can not help but go after the perfect healing of writing down her fellow counterman's stories.  Every word is perfection.  Every horrible happening, every clever little bantering joke, every description of bomb raid and pie making was perfection.  It is perfectly told through a series of letters that make me want to throw away my laptop and sole communicate with cream-colored, monogrammed-embossed stationary.   I'll never be the same again.  

Have I convinced you?

(Disclaimer: It is secular so review before handing it to children.)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Birthday Blog So Read It

Thank you for all the texts, messages, party emojis, phone calls, Skype calls, nods of approval, sweet whisperings (those were from my husband) and over all celebratory atmosphere that you filled my day with.  I'm sure you all want to know how I pull all this awesome off.  I'll tell you since most of you are my juniors now and you have to listen to old people.

I strive for perfectly effortless.

Like this happy lady. 

But when it comes down to it I really feel like life requires a great deal of effort and I end up looking like this guy.

My real birthday happened when I was 14 which only makes me 19 so take that mathematics! No longer am I a slave to perfection or the heavy burdens of this world that cause contorting of the face.  I am a child of God.  If anyone or anything tells you that you can reach heaven by following rules and getting as close to perfection as possible than they are wrong.  You will quickly end up like ugly face guy.

It's all because of this.

Come to Jesus.