First of all, what a ridiculous thing to post about. Extroverted people don't need help making friends. That's so dumb, Rachel. You could use some help at not throwing your friendship at people like a super happy puppy like maybe your husband says you do. Whatever, husband. I can't help that I'm friendable.
I lived in one place, in one county, in one church, with mostly the same friends, all my live long life until three years ago. Last January, upon my return to my majestic homeland, my close friends were asking me how the whole process of finding my place in a new community worked out for me. I guess I gave the most extroverted answer an extrovert could give because I said something like...
"Well, sometimes it takes a while for people to figure out how cool you are."
I didn't say, "Oh it's so scary" or "I missed you all so much and I just wanted to come home." I genuinely (that means sarcastically) expressed how impatient I was with people not knocking each other over to be my new best friend.
Apparently, there's a process for most people that aren't super happy puppies like me. First they have to figure out I'm really sarcastic all the time, then they have to figure out I'm not an ax murderer, then they come to the conclusion that flossing is not a high priority, which explains all the other imperfections, and then they finally conclude that I might be a cool person.
I thought of writing out a friend resume to speed this process along but I think that's pretty much what Facebook is, right?
The truth is, I'm just using this blog post as an excuse to bring attention to this quote from my book friend who became my friend long before most of you became my friends.
Why do dead authors have to be right all the time?
It's pretty much impossible NOT to make friends when you are a part of a church family. This week of VBS has been some of the first significant interactions I've had with our new church family in the five months we've been here.
I hereby state that I like them very much.
I also hereby state that I will try to do as my girl, Louisa, states and not parade my gifts and virtues but wait for you to figure out how fine a genius I am and also a very cool person.
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